DevOps training

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Kubernetes Application Developer

Orchestrate containers with Kubernetes

50% theory, 50% practise
(4.5/5) NaN ratings
The opinions come from end-of-training evaluations. The score is an average based on the following themes: Richness of content • Quality of presentation • Theory/practice ratio • Relevance of examples • Interest in practical work
Duration 3 days • 21 hours Get a quote


  • Reminders on containers
  • Containers without orchestration
  • Orchestration capabilities
  • Existing orchestrators
  • Kubernetes
  • Kubernetes Distributions
  • API versioning

Get started with Kubernetes

  • Local Kubernetes installation with mini kube
  • Dashboard, CLI and API
  • Start a container
  • Expose the application


  • The pod concept
  • Descriptors
  • Labels, Annotations, Namespaces
  • Pod Lifecycle
  • Init Containers


  • HealthChecks
  • ReplicationControllers vs ReplicaSets
  • DaemonSets
  • Jobs


  • Why services?
  • Services for internal communication
  • Expose service to the outside of the k8s instance
  • Expose outside : Ingress vs LoadBalancer
  • Readiness Probe
  • Headless Services


  • Intro to Volumes
  • Share data between containers of a pod
  • Share data with host
  • Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volumes Claims

Configuration and secrets

  • Environment variables
  • ConfigMaps
  • Secrets

Deployment strategies

  • Deployment strategies
  • Rolling Update

Stateful sets

  • Principles

Architecture and components

  • Components

Enterprise ready features

  • Managing hardware resources
  • Auto-scaling

Develop compatible apps

  • Kubernetes compatible apps
  • Helm to simplify deployments
  • Kustomize to manage deployments in different environments

Dernière mise à jour : le 04/05/2024 à 13:05