Agility training

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Scrum Master

Succeed with Agile Methodologies

60% theory, 40% practise
(4.4/5) 154 ratings
The opinions come from end-of-training evaluations. The score is an average based on the following themes: Richness of content • Quality of presentation • Theory/practice ratio • Relevance of examples • Interest in practical work
Duration 2 days • 14 hours Get a quote

Why Agile?

  • The limitations of traditional software development methodologies
  • The Agile Manifesto (Values and Principles)
  • Agile methodologies: Scrum, Kanban, XP, Crystal
  • Practical workshop


  • What is Scrum Methodology ?
  • Scrum Values and Principles

The Scrum Roles

  • The Product Owner
  • The Scrum Master
  • The Team Member

Scrum Events

  • The Sprint
  • Sprint Planning
  • Daily Scrum
  • Sprint Review
  • Sprint Retrospective

Scrum Artifacts

  • Product Backlog
  • Sprint Backlog
  • Sprint Burndown

Estimation and Planning

  • Story Point Estimation
  • Business Value
  • Prioritization
  • Velocity
  • Releases


  • TDD
  • Working environment
  • Software factory concept
  • Continuous integration

For a Scrum of excellence, prepare your PO

  • Return on investment (ROI)
  • Time To Market (TTM)
  • Launch, GO / NoGo and end of project
  • Transparency and risk management

Advanced Scrum

  • Management of remote teams
  • Scrum of Scrums
  • Agile contractualization

Dernière mise à jour : le 04/05/2024 à 13:05