DevOps training

Logo Go


Learn to develop applications in Go / Golang

40% theory, 60% practise
(4.3/5) 246 ratings
The opinions come from end-of-training evaluations. The score is an average based on the following themes: Richness of content • Quality of presentation • Theory/practice ratio • Relevance of examples • Interest in practical work
Duration 2 days • 14 hours Get a quote

Go is the programming language developed by Google in 2007 with the aim of being as fast as C, portable as Java and simple as a dynamic language.

Today Go has become one of the most popular languages for writing server applications. It is the language used by companies like Docker, Dropbox, CloudFlare, SoundCloud, BBC, Cloud Foundry, MongoDB.

In this training we will introduce the key concepts of language that will allow you to develop your next project in Go.

Educational objectives

  • Discover and implement programming in Go - Model and manipulate real world objects
  • Concurrent programming in GB
  • The pros and cons of Go
  • For which types of Go projects is most suitable
  • How to organize your code into packages
  • How to write tests
  • Tools to develop in Go
  • The standard library


  • Knowledge of at least one programming language

Target audience

  • Developers

Financing in France

  • May be financed through OPCO (if financing covers all of the cost of the training)
  • Cannot be financed through the CPF

Training as inter-companies

Trainings can be held on-site or remotely
  • Training course starts at 9.30am
  • Lunch break from 12am to 1pm
  • Training course ends at 5.30pm


40% theory, 60% practise