- The limitations of REST APIs
- GraphQL versus REST API
- General presentation
Requests and transfer
- Syntaxes: fields, arguments
- Metadata
- Aliases
- Fragments
- Guidelines: @include and @skip
- Mutation
- Introspection
- The Query type
- Objects and typing
- Scalar types
- Interfaces
- Enum and Union
- The type Mutation
Client-side GraphQL with Apollo Client
- Using the Apollo Client library in JavaScript
- Integration into the framework of your choice: Angular, React ...
Server-side GraphQL with Apollo Server
- Root Type
- Resolver
- Versioning
- Example of integration with NodeJS and Express
- Using GraphQL with an Existing REST API
- Using GraphQL with multiple databases
- Good practices
- Apollo Client Developer Tools
Dernière mise à jour : le 04/05/2024 à 13:05