Innovation training

Duration 2 days • 14 hours Get a quote

The environmental footprint of the digital world and why reduce it?

  • The Ecological crises
  • The digital footprint in details: client devices, data centers, networks, perspective.
  • The mechanisms that push devices to obsolescence, including software problems

At the end of this section, you will be able to describe in detail the environmental impacts of digital technologies, their nature and causes, as well as how software contributes to these problems.

The impact of design

  • Functional design : feature design, fitting the user’s need, etc.
  • User experience design : dark patterns, default values, …
  • Graphical design : sobriety, animations, dark mode, …

At the end of this section, you will have an overview of the role and potential of the different aspects of the non-technical design of a digital service in the ecodesign process.

The ecodesign approach

  • Assess the impacts of a digital service
  • The existing tools
  • Ways to ecodesign
  • Examples of ecodesign
  • Collateral benefits of ecodesign
  • Frameworks that can be used and examples of practices and criterias

At the end of this section, you will know how to assess the impacts of your service, understand the eco-design approach and have a repository of ideas and practices to improve your product.

Integration in a project

  • Setup of the approach in a typical project
  • Design strategies
  • Links with agile (lean, scrum, kanban) and software craftsmanship
  • Change management
  • Arguments to convince your collaborators

By the end of this section, you will know how to integrate ecodesign in your team's processes and you will have arguments and techniques to bring change in your organisation.

Dernière mise à jour : le 04/05/2024 à 13:05