Architecture training

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Core Spring

Develop a Java / JEE application with Spring

40% theory, 60% practise
(4.3/5) NaN ratings
The opinions come from end-of-training evaluations. The score is an average based on the following themes: Richness of content • Quality of presentation • Theory/practice ratio • Relevance of examples • Interest in practical work
Duration 3 days • 21 hours Get a quote
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Introduction to Spring

  • The Java configuration and the Spring container
  • Annotations @Configuration, @Bean, @Import
  • The notion of scope
  • Launch a Spring app and get our beans

Spring configuration in Java: in more detail

  • Outsourcing of properties, Property Sources
  • The notion of Environment
  • The notion of bean profile
  • Spring Expression Language (SpEL)
  • The operation of proxies by inheritance

The Spring configuration by annotations

  • Injection and auto-discovery of components
  • Java configuration or auto-discovery: when to use them?
  • Annotations of the life cycle: @PostConstruct, @PreDestroy
  • Annotations stereotypes, meta-annotations
  • Factories (design pattern): FactoryBeans

Advanced: Spring Container Operation

  • The life cycle of a Spring component
  • Post-processors: BeanFactoryPostProcessor, BeanPostProcessor
  • Proxies
  • The typing of @Bean methods

Test a Spring application

  • Spring and TDD (Test Driven Development)
  • Quick presentation of JUnit 5
  • Spring 5 integration tests with JUnit 5
  • Application context caching and @DirtiesContext annotation
  • Selection of profiles with @ActiveProfiles
  • Easy implementation of data access tests with @SQL

Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)

  • What are the issues resolved by the AOP?
  • Difference between spring AOP and AspectJ
  • Define aspects with @Around, @Before, @After

Data access and JDBC with Spring

  • How Spring integrates with existing data access technologies
  • The DataAccessException exception hierarchy
  • Caching with @Cacheable
  • Facilitate testing with embedded databases Spring's JdbcTemplate

Transaction management with Spring

  • The concept of transaction
  • Implementation of transactions with Spring
  • Insulation levels; strategies for spreading and backtracking transactions
  • Transactions in integration tests

JPA with Spring and Spring Data

  • Quick introduction to ORM with JPA
  • Use JPA with Spring: the benefits
  • The implementation of JPA with Spring

Spring Boot

  • Minimize configuration with Spring Boot
  • Simplify dependency management with starter POMs
  • Redefine the default configurations of Spring Boot in a simple way

Spring JPA - Advanced

  • Configure Spring JPA with Spring Boot
  • Spring Data JPA: the automatic implementation of data access (dynamic repositories)

Spring in a web application

  • Configure Spring in a web application
  • Introduction to Spring MVC and Necessary Components
  • Signing methods on controllers
  • Views: Views and ViewResolvers
  • Annotations @Controller, @RequestMapping
  • Spring MVC configuration with Spring Boot
  • Creation of a deliverable with Spring Boot: JAR or WAR?

Spring Boot - Advanced (Optional)

  • Go beyond the default setting
  • Fine customization of Spring Boot configuration
  • Setting the log system
  • Properties in YAML format
  • Spring Boot Tests

Spring Security

  • What are the issues resolved by Spring Security?
  • Configure authentication and intercept URLs
  • Spring Security server side support
  • Security at the method level
  • Understand the Spring Security filter chain

REST with Spring MVC

  • Introduction to REST architecture
  • Control HTTP return codes with @ResponseStatus
  • Implement REST with Spring MVC and annotations @RequestBody, @ResponseBody
  • Automatic content negotiation and HTTP message converters (HttpMessageConverter)

Introduction - Microservices with Spring Cloud (Optional)

  • The benefits of a microservice oriented architecture
  • New challenges of cloud applications
  • Use Spring Cloud
  • Develop a simple system with microservices

Introduction - Reactive applications with Spring (Optional)

  • The concepts of reactive programming
  • Reactive programming support with Spring
  • Implement Spring's Reactive WebClient

Dernière mise à jour : le 04/05/2024 à 13:05