Craftsmanship training

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Software Craftsmanship Awareness

Software Craftsmanship Basics with Workshops

50% theory, 50% practise
(4.3/5) 155 ratings
The opinions come from end-of-training evaluations. The score is an average based on the following themes: Richness of content • Quality of presentation • Theory/practice ratio • Relevance of examples • Interest in practical work
Duration 2 days • 14 hours Get a quote

Definition and chronology of Software Craftsmanship

  • Definition
  • Chronology
  • Agility and Software Craftsmanship
  • Manifesto
  • Attitude of Craftsman

ROI of Software Craftsmanship

  • The quality
  • The technical debt
  • ROI tests
  • ROI of refactoring

eXtreme Programming

  • History
  • Practices
  • Values

Refactoring, Clean Code and patterns

  • Smells code
  • Refactoring
  • Patterns
  • SOLID principles

Test Driven Development

  • Definition of TDD
  • Why the TDD
  • The TDD cycle

Other practices

  • Coding Dojo
  • Domain Driven Design
  • BBL, Book Clubs etc ...
  • Craftswap
  • Pet projects


  • Bowling Kata - TDD in ping pong programming
  • Refactoring - Legacy code refactoring
  • Code Review - Individual bad smells in the code

Dernière mise à jour : le 04/05/2024 à 13:05