DevOps training

Duration 2 days • 14 hours Get a quote
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  1. Kibana concepts
    • Elastic stack overview
    • Add your data to Kibana
    • Workflow Discover > Visualize > Present > Share
    • GUI overview
  2. Search and filter data with Discover
    • Documents, fields, data types
    • Data Views
    • Data Visualizer
    • Using the filters
    • Searching with KQL
    • Saved queries / saved search
    • Creating visualizations from fields
    • Runtime fields
  3. Create state of the art visualizations with Lens
    • GUI, drag and drop
    • Customizing visualisations
    • Different kinds of visualizations
    • Using layers, reference line, formulas
    • Creating tables
  4. Analyze timeseries data with TSVB
    • Visualizations types
    • Differences with Lens
  5. Visualize geographical data with Maps
    • Data types
    • Using layers
  6. Advanced Visualizations
    • Timelion
    • Vega
  7. Dashboards
    • Drill-down, controls, options, panels management
    • Managing the time frame
    • Saving dashboards
    • Sharing dashboards (permalink, pdf / png, iframe, reporting)
  8. Build creative presentation with Canvas
    • Creation
    • Adding elements
    • Using the Expression Editor
    • Sharing Canvas
  9. Dev Tools quick tour
    • Elasticsearch API
    • Kibana API
  10. Pivot your data with Transform
    • Transform types : pivot / latest
    • Use cases
    • GUI overview
  11. Detect anomalies with Machine Learning
    • Machine Learning in Kibana overview, different kinds of jobs
    • Anomaly detection
    • Using results in dashboards
    • Best practices
  12. Kibana Management for Data Analyst
    • Spaces
    • Saved Objects
    • Advanced settings
    • Tags
  13. Practice your skills on a real-world scenario

Dernière mise à jour : le 04/05/2024 à 13:05