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Know how to use and configure Elasticsearch, the second generation search engine

60% theory, 40% practise
(4.3/5) 895 ratings
The opinions come from end-of-training evaluations. The score is an average based on the following themes: Richness of content • Quality of presentation • Theory/practice ratio • Relevance of examples • Interest in practical work
Duration 3 days • 21 hours Get a quote

Introduction to search engines

  • General (Needs, uses, key features of search engines)
  • Process of implementing a search engine
  • Panorama of open source search solutions

Get started with Elasticsearch

  • Principles of cluster operation
  • Notions of node, index, partitioning, document ...
  • Installation
  • Configuration
  • REST API overview
  • First indexing
  • First search

Indexing documents

  • Design of the index and its documents
  • Index or delete documents with the Rest API
  • Mass indexing
  • Optimistic version and management of the competition
  • Presentation of Lucene storage and refresh
  • Other features (routing, consistency, child document, ...)


  • Definition and role of mapping
  • Field types
  • Preset fields
  • Metadata of an Index

Text analysis and extraction

  • The basis of extraction and text analysis
    • Analyzers
    • Char filters
    • Tokenizers
    • Token Filters
  • Configuration and use of predefined or customized Analyzers
  • Text analysis verification API
  • Use case
    • Deleting words
    • Extraction of email addresses and urls
    • Removing HTML tags in text
    • Text analysis in multiple languages
    • Rooting

Search for documents

  • Find documents with the Rest API
  • Results management
  • Search queries
    • Match_all type query
    • Request of type query_string / simple_query_string
    • Match type query (and derivatives)
    • Term and terms query
    • Wildcard request
    • Range request
    • Fuzzy request
    • Request of type bool
    • Request of type exist / missing
    • Request of type and, or and not
    • Query of type _type and _id
  • Different queries and filters
  • Benefits of filters

Advanced search features

  • Management of relevance and score
  • Suggestions
  • Autocompletion
  • Highlighting
  • Search Objects / Nested / Parent-Child
  • More Like This
  • Geospatial research

Clients and Java API

  • Types of customers available
  • Using the Java API
    • Index and search documents
    • Manage indexes
    • Manage mappings
  • Integrate elasticsearch into a Java application (embedded, client node, client transport)

Cloud and Clustering

  • Principle of functioning of an elasticsearch cluster
  • Prevent split brains
  • Configure an elasticsearch cluster
  • Partitioning and scalability and volumetry of data
  • Supervision of an elasticsearch cluster:
    • the health API
    • the state API
    • the stats API
    • the pending_task API
    • the API _nodes alias node info
    • the hot_threads API
    • supervision plugins
    • logs
    • the _cat API
    • Backup and restore an elasticsearch cluster

Advanced Features

  • Other types of elasticsearch plugins
  • Scripting
  • Preheat your cluster
  • Percolation

Dernière mise à jour : le 04/05/2024 à 13:05