DevOps training

Duration 2 days • 14 hours Get a quote

Serious Game

Presentation of the DevOps approach

Establish a definition of DevOps

  • What is not DevOps
  • What is DevOps

The stakes and the vision of the DevOps approach

  • The origins of this transformation process
  • State of the market and goals for his business
  • The role of automation in the process

The different pillars of DevOps: CAMS

  • The common culture as a line of sight
  • Automation at the service of collaboration
  • Measure to know where you are and observe progress
  • Sharing between different actors

Exchange workshop / scenario

The concepts of agility for understanding DevOps

An introduction to agility

  • The Agile Manifesto as a source of inspiration
  • The values ​​and principles of Agility
  • A response to the limits of classical / predictive methods
  • The family of Agile methods: XP, Scrum, Crystal, Kanban, Lean ...

Presentation of different agile practices

  • Iterative deliveries for flexibility and fluidity
  • A different approach in the organization of the team
  • Prioritization and planning techniques in the agile world
  • Collectively improve by retrospectives

Declining agile concepts in the world "Ops"

  • The impacts of agility on the world of Ops
  • Transposition of Agile Principles and Values ​​into Infrastructure
  • Adaptation to the different types of work of the world Ops
  • Agile practices and methods in the world Ops: Kanban, Scrum ...

Exchange workshop / scenario

DevOps tooling and Infrastructure as Code principles

From continuous integration to continuous deployment

  • Integration continues as a starting point (Jenkins, Git, Maven ...): source management, automated testing, creation and storage of artifacts
  • The extension of agile concepts for production
  • The introduction of Continuous Delivery and focus of different processes
  • To know how to put tools and to make live the different tools
  • Modern supervision approaches, new indicators
  • Using ChatOps

Principles of Infrastructure as Code

  • The control of the infrastructures by the APIs (AWS, OpenStack, vSphere ...)
  • Configuration management (Puppet, Chef, Ansible ...)
  • The Software Defined Networking
  • Containerization technologies (LXC, Docker, Kubernetes ...)

Tooling as a pretext for collaboration

  • Common projects of technical improvements
  • Need for shared tools
  • Good transverse technical practices
  • Technical requirements and automation

Exchange workshop / scenario

Great implementation principles

Evaluate yourself to know your way

  • Concept of maturity model
  • Realize an inventory of practices
  • Definition of major axes of change, associated actions

Implementation of a transformation

  • Use existing models or build yours
  • Definition of pilot phases
  • Setting goals and knowing how to measure as and when

Generalization of practices

  • Identify success stories
  • The role of evangelization
  • Patterns and anti-patterns

Exchange workshop / scenario

DevOps in today's business

The impacts of adopting DevOps

  • Adoption and controls of software development best practices
  • Operational teams as a service center
  • New tools for new uses (autoscaling, clustering, "Pets Vs. Cattle", ...)
  • Component architecture and micro-services architecture, role of container orchestration
  • A new culture

DevOps and ITIL

  • The common search for fluidity
  • DevOps impacts on ITIL processes
  • Towards a standardization of changes

Beyond DevOps

  • Internal and external communication
  • End-to-end agility
  • Evaluation of the winnings
  • How to know if the goal is reached?

Dernière mise à jour : le 04/05/2024 à 13:05