DevOps training

Duration 2 days • 14 hours Get a quote

Definition and reminder of the challenges of the DevOps approach

Software factory and deployment industrialization

  • The role of automation
  • Continuous Integration
  • Continuous Delivery and Deployment

Virtualization and Containers

  • Strategies and issues
  • From the developer's job to the production
  • Provisionning of VM and Illustration with Ansible
  • The Container approach and the implementation with Docker

Application data management

  • Presentation of the problems (Versioning, Duplication, etc.)
  • Implementation with Liquibase and Flyway

Application Lifecycle Management

  • Strategies and issues
  • Implementation with Spring Cloud Config
  • Implementation with confd

Centralization of metrics

  • Strategies and issues
  • Implementation with Prometheus and Grafana
  • Implementation with the TICK Stack (Telegraph, InfluxDB, Chronograf, Kapacitor)

Centralization of the logs

  • Strategies and issues
  • Implementation with Elastic Stack
  • Implementation with Graylog

Generating Alerts

  • Strategies and issues
  • Implementation with Prometheus Alerter
  • Implementation with Kapacitor

Service Discovery

  • Strategies and issues
  • Implementation with Consul
  • Discovery service and container orchestration

Load Balancing application

  • Strategies and issues
  • Implementation with HaProxy
  • Implementation with Traefik

Dernière mise à jour : le 04/05/2024 à 13:05