Blockchain training

Duration 2 days • 14 hours Get a quote

** red wire lab: develop a Smart Online Betting Contract (React + Ethereum) **

Day 1


  • Facilities update (10 min)
  • Ethereum in detail (1hr 30 min - 2 hr)
    • Architecture
    • Smart contracts
    • Gas
    • D-app
    • Demo of a D-app
  • Presentation of Geth, Parity, Mist? (20 min)
  • Lab 1: Mount your local Ethereum blockchain (docker image + Ganache or Etherscan plugger) (30 min)
  • Solidity: the bases (structure of a SM, constructor, variables, methods, visibility ...) (1 hr)


  • Presentation and demo Remix IDE (15 min)
  • Presentation of the red wire lab (demo of our final lab) (10 min)
  • Lab 2: Create a basic smart contract and play with Remix IDE (1 hr)
  • Industrialization of devs with Truffle (10 min)
  • Deployment of Smart Contracts (15 min)
  • Presentation and demo of Ganache (10 min)
  • Lab 3: Running a smart basic contract with Truffle (30 min)
  • Deployment of our SM on Ganache, then on the blockchain of Lab 1, then on the testnet Ethereum (45 min)

Day 2


  • Write unit tests with Truffle (30 min)
  • Lab 4: Creation and recovery of games with unit tests on Truffle and interfacing our React app with the games managed in the blockchain (2 hr 30 min)
  • How to interface a blockchain with a web app (metamask, web3js) (30 min)


  • Solidity: advanced concepts (1 hr)
  • Lab 5: Betting management (1 hr)
  • Introduction to Oracles (30 min)
  • Focus on securing smart contracts (10 min)
  • The cost of using the Ethereum blockchain (15 min)
  • The next evolutions of Ethereum (15 min)


  • Oracle with Oraclize (30 min)
  • Lab: Develop a match recovery oracle with Oraclize (1 hr)
  • HMI Hosting: IPFS, Swarm (20 min)

Dernière mise à jour : le 04/05/2024 à 13:05